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Review reaktor 6 free -ITER - Wikipedia.Synths : Reaktor 6 | Komplete
A breeder reactor is a nuclear reactor review reaktor 6 free generates more fissile material than it consumes. Breeders were at first found attractive because they made more complete use of uranium fuel than light water reactorsbut interest declined after the s as more uranium reserves were found, [2] and new methods of uranium enrichment reduced fuel costs.
With seawater uranium extraction currently too expensive to be reviiewthere is enough fuel for breeder reactors to satisfy our energy needs for 5 billion years at 's total energy consumption rate, thus making nuclear energy effectively a renewable energy. Nuclear waste became a greater concern by the s.
In broad terms, spent nuclear fuel has two main components. The first consists of fission productsthe leftover fragments of fuel atoms after they have been review reaktor 6 free to release energy. Fission products come in dozens of elements and hundreds of isotopes, all of them lighter than uranium. The second main component of spent fuel is transuranics atoms heavier than uraniumwhich are generated from uranium or heavier atoms in the fuel when they absorb neutrons but do not undergo fission.
All transuranic isotopes fall within the actinide series on the periodic tableand so they are frequently referred to as the actinides. The rwview behavior of the fission products is markedly different from that of the transuranics.
In particular, fission products do not themselves undergo fission, and therefore cannot be used for nuclear weapons. Furthermore, only seven long-lived fission product isotopes have half-lives longer than a hundred years, which makes their geological storage or disposal less problematic than for transuranic materials.
With frwe concerns about nuclear waste, breeding fuel cycles came under renewed interest as they can reduce actinide wastes, particularly plutonium and minor actinides. After spent nuclear fuel is removed from a light water reactor, it undergoes a reaaktor decay profile as each nuclide decays at a different rate.
Due to a physical oddity referenced review reaktor 6 free, there is a review reaktor 6 free gap in the decay half-lives of fission products compared to transuranic isotopes. If the transuranics are left in review reaktor 6 free spent fuel, after 1, toyears, the slow decay of these transuranics would generate most of the radioactivity in that spent fuel. Thus, removing the transuranics from the waste eliminates much of review reaktor 6 free long-term radioactivity of spent nuclear fuel.
Today's commercial light water reactors do breed some new fissile material, mostly in the form of plutonium. Because commercial reactors were rfee designed as breeders, they do not convert enough uranium into plutonium to replace the uranium consumed. Nonetheless, at least one-third of the power produced by commercial nuclear reactors comes from fission of plutonium generated within the fuel.
One measure of a reactor's review reaktor 6 free is the "conversion увидеть больше defined as the ratio of new fissile atoms produced to fissile atoms consumed. All proposed nuclear reactors except specially designed and operated actinide burners [16] experience some degree of conversion.
As long as there is any amount of a fertile material within the neutron flux of the reactor, some new fissile material is always created. When the conversion ratio is greater than 1, it is often called the "breeding ratio. For example, commonly used light water reactors have a conversion ratio of approximately 0. Pressurized heavy water reactors PHWR running on natural uranium have a conversion ratio of 0.
The doubling time is the amount of time it would take for a breeder reactor to produce enough new fissile material to replace the original fuel and additionally produce an equivalent amount of frree for another nuclear reactor. This was considered an important measure of breeder performance in early years, when uranium was thought to be scarce.
However, since uranium is more abundant than thought in the early days of nuclear reaktoor development, and given the amount of plutonium available in spent reactor fuel, doubling time has become a less-important metric in modern breeder-reactor design.
Burnup is an important factor in review reaktor 6 free the types and abundances of isotopes produced by a fission reactor.
Breeder reactors, by design, have extremely high burnup compared to a conventional reactor, as breeder rsaktor produce much more of their waste in the form of fission products, while most or all of the actinides are meant to reaktog fissioned and destroyed.
In the past, breeder-reactor development focused on reactors with low breeding ratios, from 1. A 'breeder' is simply a reactor designed for very high neutron economy with an associated conversion rate higher than 1. In principle, almost any reactor design review reaktor 6 free be tweaked to become a breeder.
An example of this process review reaktor 6 free the evolution of the Light Water Reactor, a very heavily moderated thermal design, into the Super Fast Reakror [26] concept, using light water in an extremely low-density supercritical form to increase the neutron economy high enough to allow breeding. Aside from water cooled, there are many other types of breeder reactor currently envisioned as possible.
These include molten-salt cooledgas cooledand liquid-metal cooled designs in many variations. Almost any of these basic design types may be fueled by uranium, plutonium, many minor actinides, or thorium, and they may be designed for many different goals, such as creating more fissile fuel, long-term steady-state operation, or active burning of nuclear wastes.
Extant reactor designs are sometimes divided into two broad categories based upon their neutron spectrum, which generally frer those designed to use primarily uranium and transuranics from those designed to больше информации thorium and avoid transuranics.
These designs are:. Fission of the nuclear fuel in any reactor produces neutron-absorbing fission products. Because of this unavoidable physical process, it review reaktor 6 free necessary to reprocess the fertile review reaktor 6 free from a breeder reactor to remove those neutron poisons. This step is required to rrview utilize the ability to breed as much or more fuel than is consumed. All reprocessing can present a proliferation concern, since it extracts weapons-usable material from spent fuel.
Early proposals for the breeder-reactor fuel cycle posed an even greater proliferation concern review reaktor 6 free they would use PUREX to separate plutonium in a highly attractive isotopic form for use in nuclear weapons.
Several countries are developing reprocessing methods that do not separate the plutonium from the other actinides. For instance, the non-water-based pyrometallurgical electrowinning process, when used to reprocess fuel from an integral fast reactorleaves large amounts of radioactive actinides in the reactor fuel.
All these systems have modestly better proliferation resistance than PUREX, though their adoption rate is low. In the thorium cycle, thorium breeds by converting first to protactinium, which then decays to uranium If the protactinium remains in the reactor, small amounts of uranium are also produced, which has the revisw gamma emitter thallium in its decay chain.
Similar to uranium-fueled designs, нажмите чтобы узнать больше longer the fuel and fertile material remain in the reactor, the more of ftee undesirable elements build up. Review reaktor 6 free the envisioned commercial thorium reactorshigh levels of uranium would be allowed to accumulate, leading to extremely high gamma-radiation doses from any uranium derived from thorium. These gamma привожу ссылку complicate the safe handling of a weapon and the design of its electronics; this explains why uranium has never been pursued for weapons beyond proof-of-concept demonstrations.
While the thorium cycle may be proliferation-resistant with regard to uranium extraction from fuel because of the presence of uraniumit poses a proliferation risk from an alternate route of uranium extraction, which involves chemically extracting protactinium and allowing it to decay to pure uranium outside of the reactor. No fission products have a half-life in the range of a— ka Breeding fuel cycles attracted renewed interest review reaktor 6 free of their potential to reduce actinide wastes, particularly plutonium and minor actinides.
The volume of waste they generate would be reduced by a factor of about as well. While there is a huge reduction in the volume of waste from a breeder reactor, the activity of the waste is about the same as that produced by a light-water reactor. In addition, the waste from a breeder reactor has a different decay behavior, because it is made up of different materials. Breeder reactor waste is mostly fission products, while light-water reactor waste has a large quantity of transuranics.
After spent nuclear fuel has been removed from a light-water reactor for longer thanyears, these transuranics would be the main source of radioactivity. Reaktoor them would eliminate much of the long-term radioactivity from the spent fuel. In principle, breeder fuel cycles can recycle and consume all actinides, [4] leaving only fission products. As the graphic in this section indicates, fission products have a peculiar 'gap' in their aggregate half-lives, such that no fission products have a half-life between 91 years and two hundred thousand years.
As a result of this physical oddity, after several hundred years in storage, the activity of the radioactive waste from a Fast Breeder Reactor would quickly drop to the review reaktor 6 free level of the long-lived fission products. However, to obtain this benefit requires the highly efficient separation of transuranics from spent fuel.
If the fuel reprocessing methods used rfaktor a large fraction of the transuranics in the final waste stream, this advantage would be greatly reduced. A reactor whose main purpose is to destroy actinides, rather than increasing fissile fuel-stocks, is sometimes known as a burner reactor.
Both breeding and burning depend on good neutron economy, and many designs can revidw either. Breeding review reaktor 6 free surround the core by a breeding blanket of fertile material. Waste burners surround the core with non-fertile wastes to be destroyed.
Some designs add neutron reflectors or absorbers. All current fast neutron review reaktor 6 free designs use liquid metal as the primary coolant, to transfer heat from the core to steam used to power the electricity generating turbines. FBRs have been built cooled by liquid metals other than sodium—some early FBRs used mercuryother experimental reactors have used a sodium - potassium alloy fgee NaK. Both have the advantage that they are liquids at room temperature, which is convenient for experimental rigs but less important for pilot or full-scale power stations.
Lead and lead-bismuth alloy have also been used. Another fuel option is metal alloystypically a blend of uranium, plutonium, and zirconium used review reaktor 6 free it is "transparent" to neutrons. Enriched uranium can also be used on its own. Many designs surround the core in a blanket of tubes that contain non-fissile uranium, which, by capturing fast neutrons from the reaction in the core, converts to fissile plutonium as is some of the uranium in the corewhich is then reprocessed and used as nuclear fuel.
Other FBR designs rely on the revjew of review reaktor 6 free fuel itself which also contains uraniumarranged to attain sufficient fast neutron capture. For this reason ordinary liquid waterbeing a review reaktor 6 free and neutron absorberis an undesirable primary coolant for fast reactors. Because large amounts of water in the core are required to cool the reactor, the yield of neutrons and therefore breeding of Pu are strongly affected.
Theoretical work has been done on reduced moderation water reactorswhich may have a sufficiently fast spectrum to provide a breeding ratio slightly over 1. This would likely result in an unacceptable power derating and high costs in a liquid-water-cooled reactor, but the review reaktor 6 free water coolant of the supercritical water reactor SCWR has sufficient heat capacity to allow adequate cooling with less water, making a fast-spectrum water-cooled reactor a practical possibility.
The type of coolants, temperatures and fast neutron spectrum puts the fuel cladding material normally austenitic stainless or ferritic-martensitic steels under extreme conditions. The understanding of the radiation damage, coolant interactions, stresses and temperatures are necessary for the safe operation of any reactor core. Both are Russian sodium-cooled reactors. One design of fast neutron reactor, specifically conceived to address the waste disposal and plutonium issues, was the integral fast /13133.txt IFR, also known as an integral fast breeder reactor, although the original reactor was designed to not breed a net surplus of fissile material.
To solve the waste disposal problem, the IFR had an on-site electrowinning fuel-reprocessing unit that recycled the uranium and review reaktor 6 free the transuranics not just plutonium via electroplatingleaving just short half-life fission products in the waste.
Some of these fission products could later be separated for industrial or medical uses and the rest sent to a waste repository. The IFR pyroprocessing system uses molten cadmium cathodes and electrorefiners to reprocess metallic fuel directly on-site at the reactor. Breeder reactors incorporating such technology would most likely be designed with breeding ratios very close to 1. A quantity of natural uranium metal equivalent to a block about the size of a milk crate delivered once per month would be all the fuel such a 1 gigawatt reactor would need.
Review reaktor 6 free proposed fast reactor is cree fast molten salt reactorin which the molten salt's moderating properties are insignificant. Ffree is typically achieved by replacing the light metal review reaktor 6 free e. LiF, BeF 2 in the salt carrier with review reaktor 6 free metal chlorides e. As ofthe technology is not economically competitive to thermal reactor technology, but IndiaJapan, China, South Korea and Russia are all committing substantial research funds to further development of fast breeder reactors, anticipating that rising uranium prices will change this in the long term.
Germany, in frwe, abandoned the technology due to safety concerns. India is also developing FBR technology using both uranium and thorium feedstocks.
Review reaktor 6 free -
ITER initially the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactoriter meaning "the way" or "the path" in Latin [1] [2] [3] is an international nuclear fusion research and engineering megaproject aimed at creating energy by replicating, on Earth, the fusion processes of the Sun. Upon completion of construction of the main reactor and first plasma, planned for late[4] it will be the world's largest magnetic confinement plasma physics experiment and the largest experimental tokamak nuclear fusion reactor.
It is being built next to the Cadarache facility in southern France. The long-term goal of fusion research is to generate electricity. Review reaktor 6 free stated purpose is scientific research, and technological demonstration of a large fusion reactor, without electricity generation.
ITER's thermonuclear fusion reactor will use review reaktor 6 free MW of electrical power to cause the plasma to absorb 50 MW of thermal power, creating MW of heat from fusion for periods of to seconds.
Construction of the ITER complex in France started in[17] and assembly of the tokamak began in Fusion aims to replicate the process that takes place in stars where the intense heat at the core fuses together nuclei and produces massive amounts of energy in the form of heat and light.
Harnessing fusion power in terrestrial conditions would provide sufficient energy to satisfy mounting demand, and to do so in a sustainable manner that has a relatively small impact on the environment.
One gram of deuterium-tritium fuel mixture in the process of nuclear fusion produces 90,kilowatt hours of energy, or the equivalent of 11 tonnes of coal. Nuclear fusion uses a different approach to traditional nuclear energy. Current nuclear power stations rely on nuclear fission with the nucleus of an atom being split to release energy. Nuclear fusion takes multiple nuclei and uses intense heat to fuse them together, a process детальнее на этой странице also releases energy.
Nuclear fusion has many potential attractions. The fuel is relatively abundant or can be produced in a fusion reactor. After preliminary tests with deuterium, ITER will use a mix of deuterium-tritium for its fusion because of the combination's high energy potential. The first isotope, deuteriumcan be extracted from seawaterwhich means it is a nearly inexhaustible resource. On 21 Novemberthe seven project partners formally agreed to fund the creation of a nuclear fusion reactor.
The reactor was expected to take 10 years to build and ITER review reaktor 6 free planned to test its first plasma in and achieve full fusion byhowever the schedule is now to test first plasma in and full fusion in The best result achieved in a tokamak is 0. Review reaktor 6 free commercial fusion power stations, engineering gain factor is important. Engineering gain factor is defined as the ratio of a plant electrical power output to electrical power input of all plant's internal systems tokamak external heating systems, electromagnets, cryogenics plant, diagnostics and control systems, etc.
Some nuclear engineers consider a Q of is required for commercial fusion power stations to be viable. ITER will not produce electricity. Producing electricity from thermal sources is a well known process used in many power stations and ITER will not run with significant fusion power output continuously. Adding electricity production to ITER would raise the cost of the project and bring no value for experiments on the tokamak. One of the primary ITER review reaktor 6 free is to achieve a state of " burning plasma ".
No fusion reactors had created a burning plasma until the competing NIF fusion project reached the milestone on 8 August The bigger a tokamak is, the more fusion reaction-produced energy is preserved for internal plasma heating and the less external heating review reaktor 6 free requiredwhich review reaktor 6 free improves its Q-value. This is how ITER plans for its tokamak reactor to scale. Preparations for the Gorbachev-Reagan summit showed that there were no tangible agreements in the works for the summit.
However, the ITER project was gaining momentum in political circles due to the quiet work being done by two physicists, the Review reaktor 6 free scientist Alvin Trivelpiece who served as Director of the Office of Energy Research in the s and the Russian scientist Evgeny Velikhov who would become head of the Kurchatov Institute for nuclear research.
The two scientists both supported a project to construct a demonstration fusion reactor. At the time, magnetic fusion research was ongoing in Japan, Europe, the Soviet Union and the US, but Trivelpiece and Velikhov believed that taking the next step in fusion research would be beyond the budget of any of the key nations and that collaboration would be useful internationally. My response was 'great idea', but from my position, I have no capability of pushing that idea upward to the President.
This push for cooperation on nuclear fusion is cited as a key moment of science diplomacybut nonetheless a major bureaucratic fight erupted in the US government over the project. One argument against collaboration was that the Soviets would use it to steal US technology and expertise. A second was symbolic and involved American criticism of how the Soviet physicist Andrei Sakharov was being treated.
Sakharov was an early proponent of the review reaktor 6 free use of nuclear technology and along with Igor Tamm he developed the idea for the tokamak that is at the heart of nuclear fusion research. This led to nuclear fusion cooperation being discussed at the Geneva summit and release of a historic joint statement from Reagan and Gorbachev that emphasized, "the potential importance of the work aimed at utilizing controlled thermonuclear fusion for peaceful purposes and, in посетить страницу источник connection, advocated the widest practicable development of international cooperation in obtaining this source of energy, which is essentially inexhaustible, for the benefit of all mankind.
As a result, collaboration on an international fusion experiment began to move forward. This meeting marked the launch of the conceptual продолжить studies for the experimental reactors as well as the start of negotiations for review reaktor 6 free issues such as the legal foundations for the peaceful use of fusion technology, the organizational structure and staffing, and coreldraw graphics suite x5 special edition download free download eventual location for the project.
This meeting in Vienna was also where the project was baptized the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, although it was quickly referred to by its abbreviation alone and its Latin meaning of 'the way'. Conceptual review reaktor 6 free engineering design phases were carried out under the auspices of the IAEA.
These issues were partly responsible for the United States temporarily exiting the project in before rejoining in There was a heated competition to host the ITER project with the candidates narrowed down to two possible sites: France and Japan.
InAustralia became the first non-member review reaktor 6 free of the project. The ITER Council is responsible for the overall direction of the organization and decides such issues as the budget.
There have been three directors-general so far: [77]. ITER's stated mission is to demonstrate the feasibility of fusion power as review reaktor 6 free large-scale, carbon-free source of energy. The objectives of the ITER project review reaktor 6 free not limited to creating the nuclear fusion device but are much broader, including building necessary technical, organizational, and logistical capabilities, skills, tools, supply chains, and culture привожу ссылку management of such megaprojects among participating countries, bootstrapping their local nuclear fusion industries.
From to the middle of the s, hundreds of fusion scientists and engineers in each participating country took part in a detailed assessment of the tokamak confinement system and the design possibilities for microsoft word office 2016 product key free free download nuclear fusion energy. The ITER project was initiated in Ground was broken in [88] and construction of the ITER tokamak complex started in Machine assembly was launched on 28 July When deuterium and tritium fuse, two nuclei come together to form a helium nucleus an alpha particleand a high-energy neutron.
While nearly all stable isotopes lighter on the periodic table than iron and nickelwhich have the highest binding energy per nucleonwill fuse with some other isotope and release energy, deuterium and tritium are by far the most attractive for energy generation as they review reaktor 6 free the lowest activation energy thus lowest temperature to do so, while producing among the most energy per unit weight.
All proto- and mid-life review reaktor 6 free radiate enormous amounts of energy generated by fusion processes. Activation energies in most fusion systems this is the temperature required to initiate review reaktor 6 free reaction for fusion reactions are generally high because the protons in each nucleus will tend to strongly repel one review reaktor 6 free, as review reaktor 6 free each have the same positive charge.
Review reaktor 6 free ITER, this distance of approach is made possible by high temperatures and magnetic confinement.
ITER uses cooling equipment like a cryopump to cool the magnets to close to absolute zero. Additional heating is applied using neutral beam injection which cross magnetic field lines without a net deflection and will not cause a large electromagnetic disruption and radio frequency RF or microwave heating. At such high temperatures, particles have a large kinetic energyand hence velocity.
If unconfined, the particles will rapidly escape, taking the energy with them, cooling the plasma to the point where net energy is no longer produced. A successful reactor would need to contain the particles in a small enough volume for a long enough time for much of the plasma to fuse.
A charged particle moving through a magnetic field experiences a force perpendicular to the direction of travel, resulting in centripetal accelerationthereby confining it to move in a circle or helix around the lines of magnetic flux. A solid confinement vessel is also needed, both to shield the magnets and other equipment from high temperatures and energetic photons and particles, and to maintain a near-vacuum for the plasma to populate.
The material must be designed to endure this environment so that a power station would be economical. Once fusion has begun, high-energy neutrons will radiate from the reactive regions of the plasma, crossing magnetic field lines easily due to charge neutrality see neutron flux.
Since review reaktor 6 free is the neutrons that receive the majority of the energy, they will be ITER's primary source of energy output. The inner wall of the containment vessel will have blanket modules that are designed to slow and absorb neutrons in a reliable and efficient manner and therefore protect the steel structure and the superconducting toroidal field magnets. Energy absorbed from the fast neutrons is extracted and passed into the primary coolant.
This review reaktor 6 free energy would then be used to power an electricity-generating turbine in a real power station; in ITER this electricity generating system is not of scientific interest, so instead the heat will be extracted and disposed of. The vacuum vessel is the central part of the ITER machine: a double-walled steel container in which the plasma is contained by means of magnetic fields.
The ITER vacuum vessel will be twice as large and 16 times as heavy as any previously manufactured fusion vessel: each of the nine torus -shaped sectors will weigh approximately tons for a total weight of tons.
When all the shielding and port structures are included, this adds up to a total of 5, tonnes. Its external diameter will measure Once assembled, the whole structure will be The primary function of the vacuum vessel is to provide a hermetically sealed plasma container. Its main components are the main vessel, the port structures and the supporting system. The main vessel is a double-walled structure with poloidal and toroidal stiffening ribs between millimetre-thick 2. These ribs windows 10 1903 folder view free блестящая form the flow passages for the cooling water.
The space between the double walls will be filled with shield structures made of stainless steel. The inner surfaces of the vessel will act as the interface with breeder modules containing the breeder нажмите для деталей component. These modules will provide review reaktor 6 free from the high-energy neutrons produced by the fusion reactions and some will also be used for tritium breeding concepts.
The vacuum vessel has a total of 44 openings that are known as ports — 18 upper, 17 equatorial, and 9 lower ports — that will be used for remote handling operations, diagnostic systems, neutral beam injections and vacuum pumping. Review reaktor 6 free handling is made necessary by the radioactive interior of the reactor following a shutdown, which is caused by neutron bombardment during operation. Vacuum pumping will be done before the start of fusion reactions to create the necessary low density environment, which is about one million times lower than the density of air.
ITER will use a deuterium-tritium fuel, and while deuterium is abundant in nature, tritium is much rarer because it tool key product upgrade 10 download windows free a hydrogen isotope with a half-life of just This component, located adjacent to the vacuum vessel, serves to produce tritium through reaction with neutrons from the plasma. There are several reactions that produce tritium within the blanket. ITER is based on magnetic confinement fusion that uses magnetic fields to contain the fusion fuel in plasma form.
The magnet system used in the ITER tokamak will be the largest superconducting magnet system ever built. The 18 toroidal field coils will also use niobium-tin. They are the most powerful superconductive magnets ever designed review reaktor 6 free a nominal peak field strength of There will be three types of external heating in ITER: [].
The ITER cryostat is a large 3,tonne stainless steel structure surrounding the vacuum vessel and the superconducting magnets, with the purpose of providing a super-cool vacuum environment. The divertor is a device within the tokamak that allows for removal of waste and impurities from the plasma while the reactor is operating.
At ITER, the divertor will extract heat and ash that are created by the fusion process, while also protecting the surrounding walls and reducing plasma contamination.
Review reaktor 6 free
The reactor was expected to take 10 years to build and ITER had planned to test its first plasma in and achieve full fusion by , however the schedule is now to test first plasma in and full fusion in The best result achieved in a tokamak is 0. For commercial fusion power stations, engineering gain factor is important. Engineering gain factor is defined as the ratio of a plant electrical power output to electrical power input of all plant's internal systems tokamak external heating systems, electromagnets, cryogenics plant, diagnostics and control systems, etc.
Some nuclear engineers consider a Q of is required for commercial fusion power stations to be viable. ITER will not produce electricity. Producing electricity from thermal sources is a well known process used in many power stations and ITER will not run with significant fusion power output continuously.
Adding electricity production to ITER would raise the cost of the project and bring no value for experiments on the tokamak. One of the primary ITER objectives is to achieve a state of " burning plasma ". No fusion reactors had created a burning plasma until the competing NIF fusion project reached the milestone on 8 August The bigger a tokamak is, the more fusion reaction-produced energy is preserved for internal plasma heating and the less external heating is required , which also improves its Q-value.
This is how ITER plans for its tokamak reactor to scale. Preparations for the Gorbachev-Reagan summit showed that there were no tangible agreements in the works for the summit.
However, the ITER project was gaining momentum in political circles due to the quiet work being done by two physicists, the American scientist Alvin Trivelpiece who served as Director of the Office of Energy Research in the s and the Russian scientist Evgeny Velikhov who would become head of the Kurchatov Institute for nuclear research.
The two scientists both supported a project to construct a demonstration fusion reactor. At the time, magnetic fusion research was ongoing in Japan, Europe, the Soviet Union and the US, but Trivelpiece and Velikhov believed that taking the next step in fusion research would be beyond the budget of any of the key nations and that collaboration would be useful internationally. My response was 'great idea', but from my position, I have no capability of pushing that idea upward to the President.
This push for cooperation on nuclear fusion is cited as a key moment of science diplomacy , but nonetheless a major bureaucratic fight erupted in the US government over the project. One argument against collaboration was that the Soviets would use it to steal US technology and expertise. A second was symbolic and involved American criticism of how the Soviet physicist Andrei Sakharov was being treated.
Sakharov was an early proponent of the peaceful use of nuclear technology and along with Igor Tamm he developed the idea for the tokamak that is at the heart of nuclear fusion research.
This led to nuclear fusion cooperation being discussed at the Geneva summit and release of a historic joint statement from Reagan and Gorbachev that emphasized, "the potential importance of the work aimed at utilizing controlled thermonuclear fusion for peaceful purposes and, in this connection, advocated the widest practicable development of international cooperation in obtaining this source of energy, which is essentially inexhaustible, for the benefit of all mankind.
As a result, collaboration on an international fusion experiment began to move forward. This meeting marked the launch of the conceptual design studies for the experimental reactors as well as the start of negotiations for operational issues such as the legal foundations for the peaceful use of fusion technology, the organizational structure and staffing, and the eventual location for the project.
This meeting in Vienna was also where the project was baptized the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, although it was quickly referred to by its abbreviation alone and its Latin meaning of 'the way'. Conceptual and engineering design phases were carried out under the auspices of the IAEA. These issues were partly responsible for the United States temporarily exiting the project in before rejoining in There was a heated competition to host the ITER project with the candidates narrowed down to two possible sites: France and Japan.
In , Australia became the first non-member partner of the project. The ITER Council is responsible for the overall direction of the organization and decides such issues as the budget. There have been three directors-general so far: [77]. ITER's stated mission is to demonstrate the feasibility of fusion power as a large-scale, carbon-free source of energy. The objectives of the ITER project are not limited to creating the nuclear fusion device but are much broader, including building necessary technical, organizational, and logistical capabilities, skills, tools, supply chains, and culture enabling management of such megaprojects among participating countries, bootstrapping their local nuclear fusion industries.
From to the middle of the s, hundreds of fusion scientists and engineers in each participating country took part in a detailed assessment of the tokamak confinement system and the design possibilities for harnessing nuclear fusion energy.
The ITER project was initiated in Ground was broken in [88] and construction of the ITER tokamak complex started in Machine assembly was launched on 28 July When deuterium and tritium fuse, two nuclei come together to form a helium nucleus an alpha particle , and a high-energy neutron. While nearly all stable isotopes lighter on the periodic table than iron and nickel , which have the highest binding energy per nucleon , will fuse with some other isotope and release energy, deuterium and tritium are by far the most attractive for energy generation as they require the lowest activation energy thus lowest temperature to do so, while producing among the most energy per unit weight.
All proto- and mid-life stars radiate enormous amounts of energy generated by fusion processes. Activation energies in most fusion systems this is the temperature required to initiate the reaction for fusion reactions are generally high because the protons in each nucleus will tend to strongly repel one another, as they each have the same positive charge. In ITER, this distance of approach is made possible by high temperatures and magnetic confinement. ITER uses cooling equipment like a cryopump to cool the magnets to close to absolute zero.
Additional heating is applied using neutral beam injection which cross magnetic field lines without a net deflection and will not cause a large electromagnetic disruption and radio frequency RF or microwave heating.
At such high temperatures, particles have a large kinetic energy , and hence velocity. If unconfined, the particles will rapidly escape, taking the energy with them, cooling the plasma to the point where net energy is no longer produced.
A successful reactor would need to contain the particles in a small enough volume for a long enough time for much of the plasma to fuse.
A charged particle moving through a magnetic field experiences a force perpendicular to the direction of travel, resulting in centripetal acceleration , thereby confining it to move in a circle or helix around the lines of magnetic flux. A solid confinement vessel is also needed, both to shield the magnets and other equipment from high temperatures and energetic photons and particles, and to maintain a near-vacuum for the plasma to populate.
The material must be designed to endure this environment so that a power station would be economical. Once fusion has begun, high-energy neutrons will radiate from the reactive regions of the plasma, crossing magnetic field lines easily due to charge neutrality see neutron flux.
Since it is the neutrons that receive the majority of the energy, they will be ITER's primary source of energy output. The inner wall of the containment vessel will have blanket modules that are designed to slow and absorb neutrons in a reliable and efficient manner and therefore protect the steel structure and the superconducting toroidal field magnets.
Energy absorbed from the fast neutrons is extracted and passed into the primary coolant. This heat energy would then be used to power an electricity-generating turbine in a real power station; in ITER this electricity generating system is not of scientific interest, so instead the heat will be extracted and disposed of.
The vacuum vessel is the central part of the ITER machine: a double-walled steel container in which the plasma is contained by means of magnetic fields. The ITER vacuum vessel will be twice as large and 16 times as heavy as any previously manufactured fusion vessel: each of the nine torus -shaped sectors will weigh approximately tons for a total weight of tons.
When all the shielding and port structures are included, this adds up to a total of 5, tonnes. Its external diameter will measure Once assembled, the whole structure will be The primary function of the vacuum vessel is to provide a hermetically sealed plasma container. Its main components are the main vessel, the port structures and the supporting system. The main vessel is a double-walled structure with poloidal and toroidal stiffening ribs between millimetre-thick 2.
These ribs also form the flow passages for the cooling water. The space between the double walls will be filled with shield structures made of stainless steel. The inner surfaces of the vessel will act as the interface with breeder modules containing the breeder blanket component. These modules will provide shielding from the high-energy neutrons produced by the fusion reactions and some will also be used for tritium breeding concepts. The vacuum vessel has a total of 44 openings that are known as ports — 18 upper, 17 equatorial, and 9 lower ports — that will be used for remote handling operations, diagnostic systems, neutral beam injections and vacuum pumping.
Remote handling is made necessary by the radioactive interior of the reactor following a shutdown, which is caused by neutron bombardment during operation.
Vacuum pumping will be done before the start of fusion reactions to create the necessary low density environment, which is about one million times lower than the density of air. ITER will use a deuterium-tritium fuel, and while deuterium is abundant in nature, tritium is much rarer because it is a hydrogen isotope with a half-life of just This component, located adjacent to the vacuum vessel, serves to produce tritium through reaction with neutrons from the plasma.
There are several reactions that produce tritium within the blanket. ITER is based on magnetic confinement fusion that uses magnetic fields to contain the fusion fuel in plasma form. The magnet system used in the ITER tokamak will be the largest superconducting magnet system ever built. The 18 toroidal field coils will also use niobium-tin. They are the most powerful superconductive magnets ever designed with a nominal peak field strength of There will be three types of external heating in ITER: [].
The ITER cryostat is a large 3,tonne stainless steel structure surrounding the vacuum vessel and the superconducting magnets, with the purpose of providing a super-cool vacuum environment. The divertor is a device within the tokamak that allows for removal of waste and impurities from the plasma while the reactor is operating. At ITER, the divertor will extract heat and ash that are created by the fusion process, while also protecting the surrounding walls and reducing plasma contamination.
The ITER divertor, which has been compared to a massive ashtray, is made of 54 pieces of stainless-steel parts that are known as cassettes. Each cassette weighs roughly eight tonnes and measures 0. The divertor design and construction is being overseen by the Fusion For Energy agency. When the ITER tokamak is in operation, the plasma-facing units endure heat spikes as high as 20 megawatts per square metre, which is more than four times higher than what is experienced by a spacecraft entering Earth's atmosphere.
This facility was created at the Efremov Institute in Saint Petersburg as part of the ITER Procurement Arrangement that spreads design and manufacturing across the project's member countries. The ITER tokamak will use interconnected cooling systems to manage the heat generated during operation. Most of the heat will be removed by a primary water cooling loop, itself cooled by water from a secondary loop through a heat exchanger within the tokamak building's secondary confinement.
This system will need to dissipate an average power of MW during the tokamak's operation. The liquid helium system will be designed, manufactured, installed and commissioned by Air Liquide in France.
The process of selecting a location for ITER was long and drawn out. Japan proposed a site in Rokkasho. From this point on, the choice was between France and Japan. At the final meeting in Moscow on 28 June , the participating parties agreed to construct ITER at Cadarache with Japan receiving a privileged partnership that included a Japanese director-general for the project and a financial package to construct facilities in Japan.
Fusion for Energy , the EU agency in charge of the European contribution to the project, is located in Barcelona , Spain. According to the agency's website:. F4E is responsible for providing Europe's contribution to ITER, the world's largest scientific partnership that aims to demonstrate fusion as a viable and sustainable source of energy.
Most of the buildings at ITER will or have been clad in an alternating pattern of reflective stainless steel and grey lacquered metal. This was done for aesthetic reasons to blend the buildings with their surrounding environment and to aid with thermal insulation. In March , Switzerland, an associate member of Euratom since , also ratified the country's accession to the Fusion for Energy as a third country member.
In , ITER announced a partnership with Australia for "technical cooperation in areas of mutual benefit and interest", but without Australia becoming a full member. Thailand also has an official role in the project after a cooperation agreement was signed between the ITER Organization and the Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology in The agreement provides courses and lectures to students and scientists in Thailand and facilitates relationships between Thailand and the ITER project.
Canada was previously a full member but pulled out due to a lack of funding from the federal government. Canada rejoined the project in via a cooperation agreement that focused on tritium and tritium-related equipment. These agencies employ their own staff, have their own budget, and directly oversee all industrial contracts and subcontracting. The Chinese agency is working on components such as the correction coil, magnet supports, the first wall, and shield blanket.
India's deliverables to the ITER project include the cryostat, in-vessel shielding, cooling and cooling water systems. The organization is based in Chiba , Japan. Among the procurement items that ITER Korea is responsible for four sectors of the vacuum vessel, the blanket shield block, thermal shields, and the tritium storage and delivery system. The panels are covered with beryllium plates soldered to Cu Cr Zr bronze, which is connected to a steel base.
Panel size up to 2 m wide, 1. The obligation of the Russian Federation also includes conducting thermal tests of ITER components that are facing the plasma. At the June conference in Moscow the participating members of the ITER cooperation agreed on the following division of funding contributions for the construction phase: The U.
Department of Energy's Fusion Energy Sciences program. The closure of the budget required this financing plan to be revised, and the European Commission EC was forced to put forward an ITER budgetary resolution proposal in As a result, more than design or manufacturing contracts have been signed since the launch of the project. In , the Chinese consortium led by China Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation signed a contract for machine assembly at ITER that was the biggest nuclear energy contract ever signed by a Chinese company in Europe.
The ITER project has been criticized for issues such as its possible environmental impacts, its usefulness as a response to climate change, the design of its tokamak, and how the experiment's objectives have been expressed. When France was announced as the site of the ITER project in , several European environmentalists stated their opposition to the project.
In terms of the design of the tokamak, one concern arose from the tokamak parameters database interpolation that revealed the power load on a tokamak divertor would be five times the previously expected value. Given that the projected power load on the ITER divertor will already be very high, these new findings led to new design testing initiatives.
Another issue that critics raised regarding ITER and future deuterium-tritium DT fusion projects is the available supply of tritium. As it stands, ITER will use all existing supplies of tritium for its experiment and the current state-of-the-art technology isn't sufficient to generate enough tritium to fulfill the needs of future DT fuel cycle experiments for fusion energy.
Proponents believe that much of the ITER criticism is misleading and inaccurate, in particular the allegations of the experiment's "inherent danger". Retrieved 2 January Reactors Designed by Argonne National Laboratory.
Archived from the original on 17 September Retrieved 20 May Archived from the original on 25 January Retrieved 13 October Physics and Society, July Energy Numbers: Energy in natural processes and human consumption, some numbers Archived 15 September at the Wayback Machine.
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Archived from the original on 22 December Retrieved 30 September Ramana ; Mycle Schneider May—June Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Archived PDF from the original on 6 December Retrieved 3 December International Panel on Fissile Materials. Archived PDF from the original on 7 April Retrieved 28 April Archived from the original on 10 April Retrieved 10 February Archived from the original on 5 May Retrieved 25 July Everett Separation of the uranium from the uranium proved to be very difficult and not practical.
The uranium bomb was never deployed since plutonium was becoming plentiful. Pandora's Promise Motion picture. Archived from the original DVD, streaming on 18 April Retrieved 24 April One pound of uranium, which is the size of my fingertip, if you could release all of the energy, has the equivalent of about 5, barrels of oil.
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Orlov, A. Sila-Novitskii, V. Smirnov, A. Filin, and V. Tsikunov Atomic Energy. S2CID May Archived from the original on 13 August Pillai, M. Ramana Bibcode : BuAtS.. Retrieved 15 February Archived from the original on 2 June Archived from the original on 31 December Retrieved 15 June Archived from the original on 28 November Retrieved 25 March Hindustan Times.
Archived from the original on 13 May The New Indian Express. Archived from the original on 20 September Archived from the original on 24 November Lee, S Govindarajan, R. Indira, T. John, P. Mohanakrishnan, R. Shankar Singh, S B. Archived PDF from the original on 28 June Retrieved 13 March July Archived from the original on 7 April Retrieved 21 July Archived from the original on 17 July Retrieved 30 October Yesterday, as the Chinese Academy of Sciences of the first to start one of the strategic leader in science and technology projects, "the future of advanced nuclear fission energy — nuclear energy, thorium-based molten salt reactor system" project was officially launched.
The scientific goal is 20 years or so, developed a new generation of nuclear energy systems, all the technical level reached in the test and have all the intellectual property rights. Environment Blog. London: The Guardian UK. Archived from the original on 19 May Archived from the original on 7 February Retrieved 29 October The Next Bi Future. Archived from the original on 26 October Archived from the original on 15 July Huntsville Newswire. Archived from the original on 6 April Archived from the original on 30 June Retrieved 27 July Archived from the original on 23 December Retrieved 22 December Archived from the original on 27 October Retrieved 27 October Archived from the original on 5 August World Nuclear News.
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Archived from the original on 29 October Technology Review. March Archived from the original on 4 May Types of nuclear fission reactor. Graphite by coolant. None fast-neutron. Nuclear fusion reactors List of nuclear reactors Nuclear technology Nuclear accidents.
Authority control. Germany Israel United States Japan. The more noble metals Pd , Ru , Ag , Mo , Nb , Sb , Tc do not form fluorides in the normal salt, but instead fine colloidal metallic particles. They can plate out on metal surfaces like the heat exchanger, or preferably on high surface area filters which are easier to replace. Still, there is some uncertainty where they end up, as the MSRE only provided a relatively short operating experience and independent laboratory experiments are difficult.
Gases like Xe and Kr come out easily with a sparge of helium. In addition, some of the "noble" metals are removed as an aerosol. The quick removal of Xe is particularly important, as it is a very strong neutron poison and makes reactor control more difficult if unremoved; this also improves neutron economy.
The gas mainly He, Xe and Kr is held for about 2 days until almost all Xe and other short lived isotopes have decayed. Most of the gas can then be recycled. After an additional hold up of several months, radioactivity is low enough to separate the gas at low temperatures into helium for reuse , xenon for sale and krypton, which needs storage e. For cleaning the salt mixture several methods of chemical separation were proposed.
The pyroprocesses of the LFTR salt already starts with a suitable liquid form, so it may be less expensive than using solid oxide fuels.
However, because no complete molten salt reprocessing plant has been built, all testing has been limited to the laboratory, and with only a few elements.
There is still more research and development needed to improve separation and make reprocessing more economically viable.
Uranium and some other elements can be removed from the salt by a process called fluorine volatility: A sparge of fluorine removes volatile high- valence fluorides as a gas.
This is mainly uranium hexafluoride , containing the uranium fuel, but also neptunium hexafluoride , technetium hexafluoride and selenium hexafluoride , as well as fluorides of some other fission products e. The volatile fluorides can be further separated by adsorption and distillation. Handling uranium hexafluoride is well established in enrichment. The higher valence fluorides are quite corrosive at high temperatures and require more resistant materials than Hastelloy.
At the MSRE reactor fluorine volatility was used to remove uranium from the fuel salt. Also for use with solid fuel elements fluorine volatility is quite well developed and tested. Another simple method, tested during the MSRE program, is high temperature vacuum distillation. The lower boiling point fluorides like uranium tetrafluoride and the LiF and BeF carrier salt can be removed by distillation.
Under vacuum the temperature can be lower than the ambient pressure boiling point. The chemical separation for the 2-fluid designs, using uranium as a fissile fuel can work with these two relatively simple processes: [35] Uranium from the blanket salt can be removed by fluorine volatility, and transferred to the core salt.
To remove the fissile products from the core salt, first the uranium is removed via fluorine volatility. Then the carrier salt can be recovered by high temperature distillation. The fluorides with a high boiling point, including the lanthanides stay behind as waste. The early Oak Ridge's chemistry designs were not concerned with proliferation and aimed for fast breeding. They planned to separate and store protactinium , so it could decay to uranium without being destroyed by neutron capture in the reactor.
The protactinium removal step is not required per se for a LFTR. Alternate solutions are operating at a lower power density and thus a larger fissile inventory for 1 or 1. Also a harder neutron spectrum helps to achieve acceptable breeding without protactinium isolation. If Pa separation is specified, this must be done quite often for example, every 10 days to be effective. This is only feasible if the costs are much lower than current costs for reprocessing solid fuel.
Newer designs usually avoid the Pa removal [1] and send less salt to reprocessing, which reduces the required size and costs for the chemical separation. It also avoids proliferation concerns due to high purity U that might be available from the decay of the chemical separated Pa. Separation is more difficult if the fission products are mixed with thorium, because thorium, plutonium and the lanthanides rare earth elements are chemically similar.
One process suggested for both separation of protactinium and the removal of the lanthanides is the contact with molten bismuth. In a redox -reaction some metals can be transferred to the bismuth melt in exchange for lithium added to the bismuth melt. At low lithium concentrations U, Pu and Pa move to the bismuth melt. At more reducing conditions more lithium in the bismuth melt the lanthanides and thorium transfer to the bismuth melt too. The fission products are then removed from the bismuth alloy in a separate step, e.
A similar method may also be possible with other liquid metals like aluminum. Thorium-fueled molten salt reactors offer many potential advantages compared to conventional solid uranium fueled light water reactors: [8] [20] [38] [39] [40] [41].
LFTRs are quite unlike today's operating commercial power reactors. These differences create design difficulties and trade-offs:. It was being developed by a consortium including members from Japan, the United States, and Russia.
As a breeder reactor, it converts thorium into nuclear fuels. The People's Republic of China has initiated a research and development project in thorium molten-salt reactor technology. Its ultimate target is to investigate and develop a thorium based molten salt nuclear system in about 20 years.
This would be followed by a 10 MW demonstrator reactor and a MW pilot reactors. An expansion of staffing has increased to as of China plans to follow up the experiment with a MW version by Kirk Sorensen, former NASA scientist and Chief Nuclear Technologist at Teledyne Brown Engineering , has been a long-time promoter of thorium fuel cycle and particularly liquid fluoride thorium reactors.
He first researched thorium reactors while working at NASA, while evaluating power plant designs suitable for lunar colonies. Material about this fuel cycle was surprisingly hard to find, so in Sorensen started "energyfromthorium. In , Sorensen coined the liquid fluoride thorium reactor and LFTR nomenclature to describe a subset of molten salt reactor designs based on liquid fluoride-salt fuels with breeding of thorium into uranium in the thermal spectrum.
In , Sorensen founded Flibe Energy, a company that initially intends to develop 20—50 MW LFTR small modular reactor designs to power military bases; Sorensen noted that it is easier to promote novel military designs than civilian power station designs in the context of the modern US nuclear regulatory and political environment. Thorium Energy Generation Pty. Limited TEG was an Australian research and development company dedicated to the worldwide commercial development of LFTR reactors, as well as thorium accelerator-driven systems.
As of June , TEG had ceased operations. It was formally launched at the House of Lords on 8 September Weinberg , who pioneered the thorium molten salt reactor research. Thorcon is a proposed molten salt converter reactor by Martingale, Florida. It features a simplified design with no reprocessing and swappable cans for ease of equipment replacement, in lieu of higher nuclear breeding efficiency.
On 5 September , The Dutch Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group announced that research on the irradiation of molten thorium fluoride salts inside the Petten high-flux reactor was underway.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Type of nuclear reactor that uses molten material as fuel. See also: Thorium-based nuclear power. Main article: Breeder reactor. Main article: Rankine cycle. Main article: Brayton cycle. This section may be too technical for most readers to understand. Please help improve it to make it understandable to non-experts , without removing the technical details.
April Learn how and when to remove this template message. Nuclear Engineering and Design. San Francisco, CA. Huffington Post. ZME Science. Retrieved 12 August Discover Magazine. Retrieved 22 January Pittsburgh Press. Retrieved 18 October The Tuscaloosa News.
American Scientist. Archived from the original PDF on 8 December Nature Geoscience. Bibcode : NatGe Argonne's Nuclear Science and Technology Legacy. Argonne National Laboratory. Mountain View, CA. Archived from the original PDF on 12 December Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Nuclear Science and Engineering. Archived from the original on 4 June
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